čtvrtek 31. března 2011

L'Italia - Reunion

I was looking forward to going to Italy for really long, so I was happy to be there again. It was a great feeling it is sooo different than Germany, life there is so nicely relaxed, people smile at you without a reason, they hug you and they are friendly... while here, in Germany, it is simply different.
I stayed with Marina, my adoptive mum, she was so sweet and all the family took me as I would be one of them. Hence, I was Italian girl for 4 days...but I am still a little bit even now. I got to see all the Duino people I miss so much and also my primi who mostly change a lot and now they are these mature people prepared to leave Duino and go to live the real life. It felt strange but good at the same time to be in Duino. However, now I know that my place is here - meaning this German flat and the European Studies course in Maastricht, the swimming pool here around the corner, Va piano pizzeria, the great bookstore in the middle of aachen and much more. Moreover, while I was in Italy, I missed some new friends who I have here namely Vanessa and perhaps Simon with whom I like to talk a lot... and of course Viktor :)


Spring in Duino

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