pondělí 18. dubna 2011

Artist + Child = Iva

I am having a little bit more free time cos the horror called economics is over and the new subject has just started, so there is not much stress yet. I had 4 days of free time as one of my classes was rescheduled, therefore I got lots of time to do things that I like. First of all, I need it to clean up a bit and organise my stuff in a way that I would be able to find things...and then, I started to put together my new box for all the sewing stuff I have. I got the box from Vanessa who had found it somewhere in a second hand or so, it had very bad smell at first but now it is clean and also smells really nice. It offers lots of space for all the tiny things that one needs for sewing.

Moreover, I even had time to search for Viktor's watercolours that his dad brought him around 20 years ago from the USA. I really love them, they have nicely fresh colours and are simply adorable. So, I had time to make one of the ideas which I had appeared in my mind in one of the lectures where everyone around spoke only German and did not care that there might be some other people...that moment I felt special and weird at the same time. I never wish to be a German, I only wish that they would be more open-minded and maybe more friendly with strangers. But back to the art, so once I was sitting there, waiting for a lecture to start and idea of driving a car up in the sky came to me and suddenly I felt much better and free indeed. However, the knowledge obtained in Environmental systems or somewhere else whispered that driving in the clouds is not a good thing to do.... and that was the inspiration for the small piece of art. It looks like done by a child but trust me - it has a deep thought.

clouds driving

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