čtvrtek 16. června 2011

Sicily - escape from Aachen

The day after my last exam we took a plane and went to Trapani/Sicily/. It was quite an adventure to get there, but we managed and enjoyed 6 days in the beautiful south! It was nicely warm there, people were friendly, food was delicious, water was clean as the cleanest thing in the world...not very crowded beaches. We went to see the most beautiful beach in Italy - San Vito Lo Capo which I would say was absolute niceness. I wish we would go back at some point :) We also visited a mediaval village called Erice which is place on the top of a rather high mountain, so we had to go there by cableway which was really cool :) Up there on the mountain it was considerably cold, so we did not stay there for long. Overall, it was nice relax. I should thank Viktor that he was not too annoying as I had expected...he dislikes sea, sun and on the top of everything he's not really a fan of Italy. Anyway, we managed to have a good time in Sicilia.


Viktor was bored...this is the result.

Viktor's favourite...he said: "That's so pretty, you don't look like you there...."

more pictures here

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